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Pending Status

Transactions are marked "Pending" until the funds transfer between financial institution accounts is complete.  After the funds have been transferred, the status changes to "Complete".

Please be advised that it is possible for a funds transfer to be returned if it cannot successfully be posted to your account (for example, if there is an invalid account number).  If this occurs, the transfer status screen is updated and an email is delivered to the email address on file.

We will post funds to your destination account only if withdrawal of funds from your origin account was successful.  Your transaction remains in the "Pending" status for 3/1 business day(s) from the day you send your request.  After that, the status gets updated to "Complete" provided we have not received any return items on the origin and the destination account.

Requires Approval

Transactions are marked "Requires Approval" until the funds transfer request has been reviewed and either approved or declined by your financial institution. Once approved or declined, the transfer status screen is updated and an email is delivered to the email address on file.

Request Approved

Transactions are marked "Request Approved" after your financial institution has reviewed and approved your funds transfer request. Once the funds transfer request is approved, the transfer status screen is updated and an email is delivered to the email address on file.

Request Declined

Transactions are marked "Request Declined" after your financial institution has reviewed and declined your funds transfer request. Once the funds transfer request is declined, the transfer status screen is updated and an email is delivered to the email address on file.