Add Investment Accounts
To set up your account immediately, include your login information for the E*TRADE website below and click "Submit".
E*TRADE US Account Details (Required to set up the account)
Account Number
 (8 digits, no hyphens)
Re-enter Account Number
Nickname (a description you assign to the account)
Login Details for E*TRADE US (Required for Verification)
If you are unable to provide your login information, you can also set up this account through a trial deposit.
E*TRADE User Name

Please verify that the url above is the url you use to access your account. If it is not the correct url please click the “Trial Deposit” button to verify your account.  
    By clicking “Submit” you understand that we may verify your external account/identity using commercially-available databases containing information from public records, other financial institutions and consumer reporting agencies.  
(Some account types, especially IRAs, 401(k)s and custodial accounts have special tax implications and restrictions. At this time, these accounts are not allowed for use with this service)